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[Guide]Current Spots In-game

[Guide]Current Spots In-game

This guide is not final, and will be adding up over time.

A Red Text means this spot is AFK Friendly (Though, I must advise you, don't relay on that. We don't punish people who kill AFKers).
A Blue Text means you can grind Phantasm Celestial Points (PCPoints) in this spot.
An Orange Text means it's there for special proposes.

Low Level Spots
New players are encouraged to train until Lvl 200 in these spots. Then, go grab Saint Seiya Bronze Sets from Devias Merchant Ellen before proceed.
Beyond the east gate, behind the merchant, near the small bridge: Spiders and Bull Fighters.
Beyond the west gate: Heavy Bull Fighters.
Beyond the north gate, in the graveyard: Skull Warriors.
Beyond Devias East gate: Worms
Beside the wedding church in Devias2: Ice Queens (1 PCPoint per kill)
Dungeon3: Gordons (1PCPoint per kill)
Medium Level Spots
Players who are above 0rr lv200 can train here for exp and PCPoints, but don't get too into it, you have rr to do.
Lost Tower 7, near Icarus Entrance: Barlog (2 PCPoint per kill)
Stadium, 1st cage on your right hand side after going south out from spawn: Chaos Castle Mobs
Blood Castle and Devil Square are also good spots if you want to.
Hard Spots
Tackle these spots once you hit 1rr Lvl200.
Stadium, head South, then West: Cages for 3rd level quest monsters. They look like bull fighter, however they count as your 3rd quest completion. Some of it gives PCPoints.
The Refinery Tower Event.
Kalrutan1, outside the safe area on the North: Dreadfears (5 PCpoints per kill)
Joke Spots
Seriously, these are jokes , DO NOT approach unless you think you have it in you. If you can handle them, that means you probably would start playing with custom jewels and such, which is good, since most of these spots drop 380 and 400 gear, you can make them Ancient Sets via Soul of Godsend. It's only the beginning....
Stadium, really deep East : Selupans protected by Bad Iron Knights
Stadium, really deep West: Medusas protected by Bad Sapi-Duos
La Cleon Boss Area
The entirety of Kalrutan2, I'm serious.
The Gold mobs scattered in the stadium, start farming these BOKs!


All times are GMT+8, the time now is 2025-1-1 09:14