Subject: Known Bugs [Print This Page] Author: nemoma Time: 2013-6-23 21:11 Subject: Known Bugs
The Vault Expansion in the Cashshop is buyable but will not work due to config, we'll remove this item at a later day. You are supposed to only gain expansion vaults through referrals anyways.
The Bag Expansion in the Cashshop may not work, don't push your luck.
If your language is English, all the Chinese in the game would show up as meaningless symbols. This would be fixed on a later date.
The Launcher.exe sometimes works a little sloppy, We'll release another launcher to replace that soon.
Webshop will sometimes not serving up items if you have a or more custom items in your warehouse - Will be fixed at a later date.
The whole Rewriter chain of item mix is not finished. However, do hold on all your related items, it will be finished soon.
When you upgrades your skills through MasterTree while this skill is equipped in MUHelper, you'll lose the auto-cast option and need to reconfigure. This is NOT a bug, it's a feature since you literally swapped the skills. Just reconfigure.
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